Algebra is the basic foundation if you want to learn and understand other number-related subjects like trigonometry, geometry, solid mensuration, calculus either differential or integral. If you do not have strong foundation of algebra then you will never learn other math subjects. I was really happy that I got used to play with numbers and I survived engineering studies. I still remember that I taught my classmates and they told me that I can explain the subject matter clearer than how our professor explained it to us. Way back to my grandfather, I tested his knowledge gained by reading lots of books even without proper education so after my graduation I got a free time to give him problems in math to be solved. I was surprised that he almost perfected the exam I gave. I used what I have learned in my formal education while he used his skills in analyzing the problems. We got the same results! It was amazing!
In order to understand math you need to love math. Theories and formulas were derived from the product of one's mind who have passion in playing with numbers. How did Pythagora get his a2 + b2 = c2 theorem? It was a product of his effort in pursuing to get the measurement of one side of the triangle in relation on the two other given sides. Eventually his theorem had been used to determine the angles of the triangle. If you are enthusiast with mathematics especially with algebra you do not have to know the formula, you only need is to know how the formula derived.
Learning mathematics is fun. You can apply in everyday life like in counting money and many more. Imagine if a bus running 80kph for 250km distance and your car was an hour late but running 160kph can you tell when will you be able to catch the bus? That's only a practical application. I remember my teacher in elementary about a song, "Math Is Fun" and I was inspired with it.
I will not leave this page without sharing how to understand and love mathematics. This is only for those who do not really excel in this subject. So all students out there that want to get an engineering, accountancy or other math-related courses the secret here is to love and understand algebra itself. Play with variables, learn about the principles and rules in transposition, cancellations, multiplication-division, subtraction-addition, rules in exponential equations, and many more. Once you get used to it the rest will just like eating peanuts for trigonometry, geometry, etc. I would like to make an e-book for those students who want to learn and enjoy mathematics and once it becomes available I will be sharing it with you.
In algebra you cannot go wrong. You can have the courage to question even your professors if they have violated some rules! So good luck enjoy math! Non-students are also welcome to enjoy this subject!